About GFP

As a wildland firefighter working for GFP, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of all-hazard and disaster related deployments in addition to fighting fire. This means more work year after year for our employees.

Now in its 24th year, GFP is a national turn-key rapid-response emergency management, logistics, and disaster response contractor.

Every year, GFP maintains a workforce of hundreds of qualified, trained, and experienced staff to deploy nationwide within hours of a task order. GFP has performed on over 4,000 disaster response and wildland fire response missions and environmental projects, successfully serving more than 100 clients. GFP has been directly involved in the recovery efforts of more than 20 federally declared disasters in 10 states. GFP is a contractor for both the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and FEMA.

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